Sandy Nelson
Sandy became interested in the Sasquatch phenomenon in May 2013, after unexplainable incidents at a beach house on the Washington coast, was witnessed by a relative. Retired, Sandy was an Executive Director in health care and held a nursing degree.
Sasquatch knower since October 5 th 2013, with a visual of an 8 ½ to 9ft Sasquatch in the Cascade Mts. and has witnessed various prints, possible glyphs & structures, vocals, and other visual sightings.
A Sasquatch Experiencer who holds the Forest People in the highest regard with respect and compassion, calling them our ancestral family.
Kevin Carney
Lifetime Bigfoot believer and knower, with an introduction to them as a young child on his family’s farm in King Co. Recently retired, Kevin was a Regional Director for a medical camera installation and service division.
As a Sasquatch Experiencer who holds the Forest People in spiritual reverence with the highest regard of respect for them and their families, he has had visual sightings, witnessed various prints, possible glyphs & structures, records vocals and had personal visitation.
SUNDAY WORKSHOP: Gear It Up. We will bring & demonstrate the tools we use & no longer use in camp, along with the results we get from the devices.